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    https://www.KeyBanQuyen.VN- Website bán key bản quyền UY TÍN HÀNG ĐẦU.
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    Rất hay ! Video học về Auditing Windows Server 2016 for Security and Practices

    Good auditing practices are essential to ensure a server is kept secure and reliable. In this course, Auditing Windows Server 2016 for Security and Practices, you'll be guided through the advanced auditing settings in Windows Server 2016. First, you'll learn how to keep track of information about how users are signing into systems. Next, you’ll discover how and when objects on a system are accessed. Finally, you'll explore how to know when a critical change occurred in a system. When you're finished with this course, you’ll have the knowledge needed to properly set up auditing in your Windows Server 2016 environment and prevent a threat to your company’s security and productivity. Software required: Windows Server 2016.
    Lab )
    Chú ý :
    Các Video học có cả 1 phần lý thuyết ( ở đoạn đầu Video ) và từ giữa về sau là Video học hướng dẫn từng bước nên rất trực quan và dễ thực hành.

    01. Cource Overview
    02. Cource Setup
    01. Overview.mp4
    02. Setting up the Lab Host Machine.mp4
    03. Setting up the Lab Virtual Machines.mp4
    04. Configuring the Lab.mp4
    05. Using Event Viewer.mp4
    06. Investigating an Event.mp4
    07. Using Powershell for Event Viewer.mp4
    03. Auditing Accounts
    01. Overview.mp4
    02. Auditing Simple Logon logoff.mp4
    03. Auditing Account Logon.mp4
    04. Auditing Group Membership and Account Lockout.mp4
    05. Auditing Special and Other Logons.mp4
    04. Auditing Resource Access
    01. Overview.mp4
    02. Auditing Detailed Tracking.mp4
    03. Auditing Shared Objects.mp4
    04. Auditing the File System.mp4
    05. Auditing Task Manager.mp4
    06. Auditing the Registry.mp4
    05. Auditing the System
    01. Overview.mp4
    02.Auditing Policy Change.mp4
    03. Auditing Privelege Use.mp4
    04. Auditing the System.mp4
    05. Using Global Object Access.mp4

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  2. #2
    Tham gia
    https://www.KeyBanQuyen.VN- Website bán key bản quyền UY TÍN HÀNG ĐẦU.
    Bài viết
    Thanked 65 Times in 63 Posts
    Update kho Video vài trăm GB về quản trị mạng : https://www.keybanquyen.vn/search/la...arning-Network


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